Friday, July 31, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 1st August 2015

This week has seen cold, wet weather,  sickness in the house and more dental work.  With all this going on,  I kept my frugal list on the fridge of all the things I've done during the week.  I feel a great sense of achievement knowing I've done the very best I can no matter what comes my way.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Made 1 kilo of Easiyo yoghurt using a sachet I bought on sale a while ago.

*  Mended a few pairs of socks.

*  Gratefully received some broccoli,  cauliflower,  leeks,  crumpets and eggs.  I blanched the broccoli and cauliflower and froze it in meal portions.

*  Jessica has been sick with a really bad cold this week.  On Sunday while Darren and I were at church,  Megan made potato and leek soup for Jessica ( and the rest of us ).  Jessica said it made her feel better.

*  Kept the curtains almost closed on the really cold days.

*  Started saving the shower warm up water again.  With big birthday parties at our house and myself being sedated for the dental work a few times,  it just wasn't practical to have the buckets in the showers.  It feels like all is well in my world again.  I'm saving as much water as I can.

*  Megan gratefully received some ( costume ) jewellery from a friend who previously worked in a retail store.  Jessica was home sick that day so Megan picked out a few things for Jessica and a necklace for me.  Jessica declared it was the highlight of her week.

*  Gratefully received some silverbeet seedlings from my Dad.  He said there were 13 plants in the punnet.  That's a lot for any one to use.  This will help us with our succession planting.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and the washing machine water for the next load.

*  Dried most of the clothes on clothes horses.

*  Made all meals from scratch as usual.

*  Stocked up on shampoo and Olay lotion on sale.

*  Kept the ducted heating on 18 degrees on a few days when the sun was shining.  A couple of times I turned it off when I was working hard around the house.

*  Decluttered a few cupboards instead of going shopping.  A real money saver.

*  Attended a University  open day ( evening ) with Jessica where we were given food,  bottles of water and Greek donuts.  We didn't need to eat much for tea that night.

*  Topped up my car's petrol tank at $120.5 when everywhere else was $145.9.

*   Picked and juiced some more lemons off our tree.

Megan's says " soup is her thing "- meaning, she's good at making it

Making yoghurt.
Because the clothes horse is the only place to rest.
Princess has taken a liking to my bed.
Bought the suitcase in from the shed.  Look who claimed it.
Packing card making stuff with Princess.
Darren's container garden under the pergola.
What frugal things are on your list this week ?

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