Friday, July 3, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 4th July 2015

With school holidays upon us and being too cold to be outside, it's a wonderful time to be busy around the house catching up on baking, cooking and maybe a few crafts.  I try to use this time to bake extra school snacks for the freezer.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  I gave both Jessica and Megan a haircut.  Their hair was due for a good trim.  This saved us $10 - $15 each.

*  Made a litre of vanilla yoghurt using some natural yoghurt given to us as a starter.

* Baked two loaves of white bread with chia seeds and two wholemeal loaves.

*  Filled up my car before the school holiday price hike and used a discount coupon too

*  Gratefully received a couple of boxes of clothes from a family member.  There were lots of jeans and other items we can put to good use.  All were in as new condition.

*  Froze two single serves of a pasta dish.

*  We've started using newspaper in the bottom of the chicken coop nesting boxes with a smaller amount of hay.  It gives the boxes better insulation during the colder weather and means we don't have to use as much hay.

*  Made Annabel's Golden Syrup pudding.  This is a very frugal pudding and wonderfully comforting in Winter.

*  Refilled all my spray bottles with Miracle Spray.

*  Started saving the washing machine water again.  With the two big birthday celebrations lately,  we just didn't have time to do it.  It's great to get back into the routine.

*  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses.  Some was put into the dryer.

*  Watered all our pot plants and bulbs with water saved from the kitchen.

*  Gratefully received some meat and vegetables.  Most of the vegetables I blanched and froze straight away as I couldn't use it quick enough.

*  Donated another couple of bags to Savers and received some discount stamps.  Megan bought some tops from Savers as she's doing work experience shortly at a local hospital.

*  Baked raspberry and white choc muffins for snacks.

*  Picked lettuce from our garden for two meals.

*  Collected a fair few eggs.  One day we collected four eggs from five chooks.  Not bad for the cold weather.

Raspberry and white choc muffins
Annabel's Golden Syrup Pudding
A lamp from the Titanic Restaurant
Beauty at The Titanic Restaurant
Our chickens - busy as usual
Bread rising.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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