Sunday, August 2, 2015

5 Easy Ways To Cut Your Heating Bill Part 3

I hope you've enjoyed this three part series on cutting your heating bill.  Here is the last installment.

*  Feeling a little cold at night and want the heater on when you are in bed ?  A much cheaper option is to buy a Winter weight doona.  I bought an Australian Wool  Doona ( king size ) from a manchester shop last year for $80.  It's much warmer than the standard polyester doona but only slightly heavier in weight.  Darren and I no longer need to pile the blankets on the bed or freeze when the overnight temperature drops outside.  Our wool doona will last for many years as we only need it for 3 months each year.  If it lasts for 10 years then I've only spent $8 per year to be warm.  Compare that to having the heater on a higher temperature and the costs invloved.  At the end of Winter I fold the doona back into it's bag and store it away for the next year.

*  Keep your windows and doors closed.  Yes,  I know I'm stating the blatantly obvious but I hear from mums all over how their kids leave the door open.  It's just one of those things you need to keep on top of.  I'm always asking my girls if they've closed the front door when we come home from school.  95 % of the time they have but I ask anyway. It pays to check.

*  Install a programable thermostat.  Ok,  this is going to cost you a bit of money but it will save you so much more in the long run.  We changed over from a manual one to a programable one back in 2001 for $150.  It was one of the best decisions we've made.  No longer is the heater left on 20 degrees overnight.  No longer  do we keep turning it up " just a bit more ".  If you can't afford one right now,  make it a goal for next Winter.  Maybe start a savings tin.  I've been known to use a soft drink can to save $2 coins.

*  Don't heat an empty home.  It's just dollars out the window.  If we think we'll be out when the heater switches back on for tea time heating,  we turn the heater off all together.

*  Keep all ducting vents clear of furniture and curtains.  There's no point in heating a couch or having curtains billowing in hot air.

*  Wear a dressing gown and slippers.  You might not be wearing high fashion but you will be warm.

*  Turn the heating off before bed and place heated wheat packs between the sheets.  Doing this 15 - 30 minutes before bed will give you a toasty spot to climb into. 

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