Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Happy 1st Blog Anniversary

Happy 1st Blog Anniversary.  It was one year ago today that Darren and I ventured over to our friend Tanya's place to set up this blog.  About a year earlier I'd been tossing up the idea of starting a blog and wondering if I had anything of interest to say and if anyone would take the time to read it. Then my family's story appeared on A Current Affair back in June 2014 and Tanya had a quiet word to me saying that I needed to get my blog going because people would be googling me.  I still laugh at that now - PEOPLE GOOGLING - ME  !!!!

So that cold Winter's night Tanya helped me set up this blog.  I'm very tech challenged but Tanya was gentle with me and wrote instructions down so that when I was on my own,  I could keep the blog running.  Thinking of a name was the first challenge.  I knew I wanted the word " abundance or abundant " in the title and after a bit of research I came up with the name My Abundant Life.   It describes my family's life to a " T ".  Not abundance of money,  but abundance of blessings that fill our lives with joy.  God's abundance and God's joy.

Tanya then talked me into two facebook pages.  I was not a big fan as I'd seen so much rubbish, bullying and time wasting through this area of the media.  Once again,  Tanya said that people needed to be able to find me.  To say that I was nervous was an understatement.  Who was going to find me ???  Mmmmm  !!!!

So my blog and two facebook pages made their debut that night and a whole new world opened up to me.  My first few posts were a bit clunky and awkward and I had to learn to use my family's digital camera to take half decent photos.  It was and still is a big learning curve.

I remember getting excited the next day to see that a few people had looked at my blog and taken the time to post a comment.  To this day I'm very grateful for every comment made.

Within a few weeks I started checking out other people's blogs that had the same simple living theme to mine.  I found the same people commenting on each others blogs so I took the plunge and introduced myself.  I was excited to see others living like I do with the same values.  These blog writers have now become firm friends.  We email each other,  we pray for each other and most importantly,  we've created a community that cares.

Annabel from The Bluebirds Are Nesting became one of my first blogger friends.  She has a generous spirit and is full of encouragement.  Her card making posts led me to start making my own cards.  We pray for each other and I know when my life is hectic,  she cares.    One of her parcels arrived in the mail when I was filming a story.  Ben the reporter wanted to know if it was from a fan or stalker.  I proudly said it was from a blog friend.  I wanted to stop filming right there and then to see what was in the parcel ( her tea towels,  wrapped soap,  face washer / dish cloth and other things .  Have a look on her blog ).

Since then I've connected with Tania from Outback Tania.  She lives on the edge of the outback in South Australia and grows lots of veggies and fruit.

Joolz from Simply Joolz loves to cook and bake and I just love looking.  She's posted some of my recipes on her blog and others are using my recipes.  How exciting.

There's Mimi from A Tray Of Bliss and  Brandy The Prudent Homemaker.  Lately I found a blog called A Working Pantry.  Patsi loves to stockpile and stockpiling is one of my favourite subjects.

Cath from The Cheapskates Club has been a wonderful supporter of everything I do.  We are blogger friends and real life friends who share the same values and way of life.  It's like we've been cut from the same cloth.

Most importantly,  I'm very grateful for the friends I've made here on my blog.  I'm grateful for the amazing community we've created ( how awesome is that ? )  I'm gobsmacked that you cook and bake my recipes and love the food as much as Darren and my girls do. I'm grateful that you share your frugal tips with others.   I'm grateful for the spirit of encouragement over this blog.  My goal was ( and still is ) to offer hope to those who are struggling financially or wanting to live a more fulfilling life  I wanted to show that saving money isn't about penny pinching or going without. In fact,  once our needs are met we have freedom to do the fun stuff without guilt.

To all my blog readers,  Take a bow,  pat yourselves on the back and send virtual hugs to each other.  You make my day, every day.  You give me so much joy that my heart is over flowing.

Thank you

Here's a snap shot of the past year -

One of the first pictures for the blog
Bread making
Doing an interview with Denis Walter on 3AW
Miracle Spray
Pumpkin scones
Lettuce from the garden
Cranberry Hootycreek biscuits - a big hit with you
One of our chickens - Becky
Making face washers fancy for gifts
Tv ads for my Christmas story on ACA

Making jam
First attempt at card making
A days pickings from our garden.
Melbourne Flower Show - oh what beauty. 
My card making is getting better.
Flowers from the garden
Home made gifts
Apple Rose Pastries
Darren and I
My family

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