Friday, July 24, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 25th July 2015

We've had a wonderfully well rounded frugal week.  The sun has been shining and we've made the most of the "free " heat for our home.  We've managed to eat quite frugally, yet oh so well.  Here's what we got up to this week -

*  Made a big batch of pita chips for snacks.

*  Baked six loaves of bread.  Four were wholemeal bread with extra goodness and two were white with chia seeds ( for the girls ).

*  Picked some silverbeet to eat ( hide ) in a meal

*  Bought lots of beef mince and a large tray of sausages from Tasman Meats.  I portioned the sausages into meal sizes of six. The mince was divided into 300g lots of 400g lots.

*  Made chicken stock using the skin from the fillets and all the bits and pieces trimmed off.  I used my slow cooker to make the stock.  Megan made chunky chicken noodle soup the next night with the stock and one chicken fillet. I lived on this soup for two days after more dental work.   I froze two serves of the soup.

*  Kept the curtains open on the windows where the sun was shining through.

*  Stayed away from the shops for most of the week.  I sent Darren out to get milk..

*  Bought a bag of cut out card sentiments from Savers for $1.90. It looks like someone had been cutting up old cards.  From now on I'll be doing the same with discarded greeting cards.

*  Made a batch of blueberry and white choc muffins for Darren.  I used blueberries bought last Summer for $1 a punnet and frozen.  I also made a double batch of raspberry and white choc muffins.

*  Juiced some lemons and froze the juice.  I also picked another bowlful to juice later.

*  Sold two dozen eggs.

*  Gratefully received two metal planter boxes from my Dad.  He didn't need them any more and knew we could use them.  Darren has replanted our strawberries in them.

*  Refilled the foaming hand wash pump in the girl's bathroom with diluted shower gel.

*  Refilled the dish washing liquid bottle and diluted it.

*  Redeemed an almost 12 month old rain check for Dove soap. It was for packs of 4 bars for $3.60.  I got 10 boxes.  I think we'll be right for soap for the next few years.

*  Froze two single serves of left over main meals.

*  Made a mince pasta bake with 300g of mince.  There was so much left over it fed  us for two meals.

*  Saved the washing machine water and dried most of the clothes on clothes horses.

Chicken stock in the slow cooker.
Homemade bread. 
Sliced and in the freezer
Card making sentiments
Our " new " planter boxes
The strawberries have been replanted
Darren's tulips are flowering.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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