Tuesday, July 14, 2015

We're Coming To Adelaide For A Workshop

Hi everyone.  I have some exciting news to share.

Cath Armstrong,  tv star and owner of The Cheapskate's Club and myself are coming to Adelaide to hold a one day workshop.  We are also being joined by Annabel from The Bluebirds Are Nesting blog.

This is our first ever interstate workshop and we are just so excited to be able to share our money saving tips,  recipes and skills with you.  This will be an inspiring day where you'll make new friends,  share ideas and learn some important life changing skills.

If you have friends and family who live in South Australia,  please share this post with them.  We look forward to spending a great day together.

Here's the information that Cath put up on her website with the booking link.

"The Art of Living the Cheapskates Way 1 Day Workshop is coming to Adelaide!

Come along and Cath, Wendy, Annabel and your fellow Cheapskaters for a day of fun, frivolity, food and frugality as they refine the Art of Living the Cheapskates Way.

During the day we'll discuss the art of living the Cheapskates way and share favourite Cheapskating tips and tricks for saving money, time and energy on your journey to living life debt free, cashed up and laughing.

The programme includes workshops, demonstrations, Q&A sessions and special guest speakers Wendy (moderator, $300 a Month Food Challenge) and Annabel (our very own frugal pampering expert).

Places are limited for this workshop to be held on Saturday 15th August 2015.

Click here for more information and to book your place now.


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