Friday, July 10, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 11th July 2015

I'm not sure where my week has gone.  I seem to be busier in the school holidays that when everyone is at work and school.  In the midst of all the comings and goings,  I did manage to get a few frugal things done.  Here's this week's list -

*  Cleaned the inside of the dishwasher with bi carb and vinegar and wiped it down with Miracle Spray

*  Made muffin sized quiches with tomatoes given to us and silverbeet from our garden.

*  Made some apple rose pastries with apples given to us.  The pastries were for a church lunch.

*  Made chunky roast beef and vegetable soup using left over roast beef and vegetables given to us.

*  Megan made a double batch of lunchbox chocoalte choc chip muffins for school and home snacks.

*  Picked a big bowl of lemons from our tree.  I'll let them sit for about a week before juicing.  I did juice some older lemons and froze the juice in ice cube trays.

*  Picked silverbeet to put in a spag bol sauce.  My girls were not happy about this as they don't like silverbeet.  I'm in the process of having major dental work done and I can't chew things very well so the shredded silverbeet was perfect for me.

*  Megan made a big pot of chunky chicken noodle soup to help me feel better after the dental work on Tuesday.  She used chicken stock I'd made in the slow cooker and frozen months ago.  I lived on this soup for a few days.  Very yummy.

*  Picked a bunch of daisies from the garden to brighten up my kitchen.

* Mended and altered two tops for Megan.

*  Only spent $4 at the shops on milk.  This is the third week running that we've only needed milk.  We still have plenty of fruit and veg in the fridge and freezer plus we have been blessed with some.

*  Did the usual frugal things with saving the washing machine water and drying clothes on clothes horses..

Daisies from the garden.
Muffin sized quiches
Dinner of quiches and some for the frezer
Daffodils Darren is growing. A little bit of sunshine in Winter. 

Thank you to everyone who left kind words and wishes on my face book pages and blog.  I'm very blessed to count you all as friends.  You are very important to me       


I'd love to hear about your week.  Did you do anything frugal ?

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