Sunday, July 5, 2015

5 Easy Ways To Cut Your Heating Bill Part 2

Here are 5 more easy heating tips for you to try -

* If your heater turns off automatically before you go to bed.  don't be tempted to turn it back on.  Instead,   grab a blanket and snuggle underneath.  You'll be warm and toasty in seconds.  Dig out your throw rugs and blankets and strategically place them where family members can grab them easily.

*  Keeping busy on a cold day is a wonderful way to keep warm.  Feeling a little cold ?  Instead of turning the heater on,  pull the vacuum cleaner out and give your home the once over.  Do your showers need a clean ?  Then grab your Miracle Spray and microfibre cloths and give them a good scrub.  Not only will you feel much warmer,  your home will be sparkly clean.  I've been cleaning homes for over 15 years and love walking into an unheated home in Winter.

*  Cook up a storm in your kitchen.  Winter is a wonderful time to bake and cook in bulk.  With your oven or stove on there will be enough heat generated to keep you warm.  Your family will be thanking you for the wonderful homemade treats too.

*  Keep your heater temperature set at 18 - 20 degrees Celsius during the day and before you go to bed ( or lower if you can handle it ).  For every degree over 20 you are adding 5 - 10% to your heating bill.

*  Reduce your heater temperature overnight.  Once you are snuggled under your doona,  you won't need the house heated to 20 degrees.  We have our heater on 15.5 degrees overnight.  This means the heater turns on just a few times for about 30 seconds to prevent the temperature dropping too low.

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