Sunday, June 26, 2016

Whole Orange Cake

This orange cake has a lovely rustic flavour and texture.  It's not too sweet and the orange flavour is authentic.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

1 whole orange
1  cup of  white sugar
3 eggs
1 cup of Canola or Olive oil
2 cups Self Raising flour

Cut the orange in 8 pieces taking out any pips.  Whiz in a food processor until smooth.
Add the eggs,  sugar and oil and whiz until well combined.
Add the flour and whiz again,  scraping down the sides of the processor.

Pour the cake batter into a large greased and floured fluted ring cake tin or two medium loaf tins
Bake in a 180 degrees Celsius  oven for about 40 minutes until  the middle springs back.
When  the cake is cool,  turn onto a cooling rack

This cake can be iced with lemon icing and dusted with coconut.

Notes -
*  Yes you need to use the whole orange - rind and all ( except the pips and sticker ).
*  The batter can be baked into little cup cakes.
*  The cake can be frozen.
*  If you use olive oil make sure it's mild in flavour.  Otherwise,  combine it with canola oil for a mild flavour in the cake.

* When oranges are in season and cheap,  I whiz up lots of oranges,  divide into small containers and freeze for future baking.  This makes the cake budget friendly.

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