Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cutting The Budget When There's Nothing Left To Cut - Part 3

Making ends meet can be a challenge when you don't have a lot of money in the first place.  Here are eight ideas that might put some money back into your purse -

*  Mend your clothes instead of buying new ones.   Buttons are easy to sew on and only takes a couple of minutes.  Many tops and cardigans have spare buttons sewn inside the item of clothing.  Torn seams are easy to sew up.  Just turn the clothing inside out and sew a few stitches.  It really is true that a stitch in time saves nine ( and it saves some money too ).

*  Throw out all the junk mail before the family sees it.  Having junk mail lying around the house fuels the urge to spend money.  Of course,  take the time to have a quick look yourself in case there are some grocery or clothing bargains.

*  To avoid all the unnecessary spending give yourself and your spouse a little bit of pocket money each week / fortnight or month.   Up until about four months ago I'd never had pocket money in the 20 years I've been married.  I'd never really needed it as I was just happy to spend money on groceries and household items when needed.  When our family budget had to be slashed late last year, we switched to a cash budget which meant we couldn't afford to put anything on the credit card except petrol ( too hard to carry that money around ).  To avoid denying ourselves completely Darren and I now get $15 a month each to spend any way we choose.  It might not sound like much but it's enough to buy a food treat / cuppa or in my case,  a small craft item.

*  Cancel magazine and newspaper subscriptions.  Many of these are available for free at your local library.  Maybe ask for a subscription as a birthday present instead.

*  Clean and declutter your home.  When your hands are busy you'll forget about the need to spend.  Having your home in order will give you peace and a longing to enjoy time relaxing in your nest.

*  Avoid overpriced restaurant meals. Instead,  invite your friends and family over for a meal where everyone brings a plate.

*  Read a book instead of turning the tv or computer on.  Reading doesn't cost anything and can be quite relaxing.  If you need something new to read,  go to your local library for inspiration.

*  Buy fruit and veggies in season to save lots of money.   Buying in season is when the food is at it's nutritional  best too.

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