Friday, June 17, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 18th June 2016

This week seemed to fly by without me noticing.  My days were filled with errands,  appointments,  food shopping,  housework and looking at new carpet and flooring.  Here's what I managed to get done in the frugal department -

*  We went to the football on Monday as a family outing.  We took snacks and bottles of water with us and only bought hot chips for lunch.

*  Refilled all the foaming hand wash pumps using watered down shower gel. The one in my bathroom was a new one so I tipped half into another pump and topped up both of them with water.

*  Made a big batch of pita chips for snacks.

*  Made a whole orange cake with pureed orange from the freezer.  This recipe makes a large cake so this time I made a smaller ring cake for us and a small loaf cake for morning tea at church.

*  Gratefully received a couple of fuel dockets from Tania and Rachel Ann.  Thankyou  xoxo

*  Dried the washing on the line on Wednesday including the bed sheets which usually go in the dryer at this time of the year.

*  Found another silicon baking mould from the op shop for $1.99 that can be used for soap making.

*  Megan found a birthday present for a friend in our present cupboard ( top of Jessica's wardrobe ) and a hand made card from my card box.

*   Saved a few more envelopes that had pretty patterns inside. They'll be used  for card making

*  Mended two pairs of socks.

*  Froze three single serves of leftovers.  I'm trying to build up my stockpile again as they will be needed when the kitchen is being replaced.

*  Bought lots of packets of choc bits on sale in Coles.  At $2.09 they are worthy of clearing the supermarket shelf.  .

*  Kept the heater off on days I was doing lots of housework.

*  Saved lots of shower and washing machine water for each next load.

*  Made a double batch of pumpkin scones sing cooked pureed pumpkin from the freezer.  The scones were frozen for morning teas.

*  Darren's birthday was on Friday.  Instead of going out for dinner he opted to have a roast leg of lamb at home and a bought birthday cake.  We still saved a small fortune by eating at home.  It was much quieter than a noisy restaurant too.

Pumpkin scones
Whole orange cake
Pita chips
Saving the washing machine water

What did you do this week to save time,  money and energy ?

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