Friday, June 24, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 25th June 2016

With the weather turning quite cold we've tried to stay busy and warm.  Here's what I got up to this week around the house-

*  Went to the Cheapskates card making day and made 6 beautiful cards.  I also gratefully received a card making magazine from Cath and some sausage rolls for Darren,  some glass jars,  and card making cut outs from the swap table.   Pamela kindly bought old books and an atlas for some of us to use in card making.

*  Made a double batch of raspberry and white chocolate muffins for the freezer.  The raspberries were from our garden that we had frozen for this purpose.

*  Bought two bottles of Windex on half price sale at $1.99 a bottle.  I then diluted it 50 / 50 with water.  It still work really well.  I mostly use it for my kitchen window that gets lots of splashes of dirty water and food.  I think I have enough for the next 4 years or so.

*  Kept the heater off when the Sun was shining ( a few hours here and there ).

*  Froze six single serves of leftovers. 

*  Gratefully received card making parcels from two of my blog readers.  I feel so blessed that they thought of me  xoxo.

*  We all made a big effort to use up some odd things from the pantry.  In a month's time I'll need to start packing up my kitchen so I'm trying reduce my stocks..

*  Picked some silverbeet from the garden for two meals.

*  Froze a jar of tomato paste into ice cube trays.   This eliminates any waste.

* Made a quadruple batch of laundry powder.

*  Gratefully received some potatoes from a cleaning client.

*  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses with only a few things thrown into the dryer.

*  Did the usual water saving tasks.

*  Spent about $7 on milk and veggies for the week.

*  Picked a couple of lemons from our tree.

An abundance of lettuce
Our only rose at the moment.
The lemons are turning yellow
Tomato paste frozen into cubes 
Drying the washing in Winter
Making room in one of our freezers.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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