Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hand Made Card Ideas March 2016

During the February Cheapskates card making day,  Pamela continued to show us how easy it is to make impressive gift cards and gift tags for any occasion.  Here's what I made on the day -

This card design is great for using up scraps of any type of paper. I must admit,  I did cut up sheets of paper for this card as I don't have many scraps yet.  You could also put on a layer of lace for added texture.

This card was made with an embossing folder on the grey card stock.  The tape measure down the left side came from IKEA as a freebie.  The wording was typed up on a computer and cut out.

A very simple card using a balloon punch,  Gels pens for the strings and a scrap piece of ribbon tied in a bow.

Looks very simple on the outside

Look what's on the inside.  Balloon shapes were glued to strips of overhead transparencies and attached to a card stock insert that had folds in the middle to glue it all together.

Gift tags made from scraps of cardboard ( boxes ).  The one on the right had some of the top layer of cardboard ripped away to reveal the corrugation.  These tags are great for using up little bits and pieces of lace,  ribbon,  string and anything else that looks remotely crafty..

A card made for my Dad's 70th birthday.  It was made on a black square card with striped card stock attached.  The 70 was typed up on the computer ( thankyou Megan ) and mounted on a square of black card stock.  This was then mounted with adhesive foam squares to give a slight 3D effect.  I then glued on the silver stars ( bought from cheap shops ).  My Dad loved the card..

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