Sunday, March 13, 2016

50 / 50 Fruit Cordial

I remember being at my Grandma's when she served 50  50 fruit cordial.  I thought it was just amazing that she could make cordial instead of buying it.  My Grandma had lots of fruit trees in her backyard so I'm certain the lemons used in this recipe came of her tree.

Years later when I had my own family I remembered this drink and wondered if anyone had the recipe.  Unfortunately no one knew of the recipe so I did a little bit of internet research.  As usual I found lots of recipes but combined them together to form my own.  Here's my recipe for 50 / 50 fruit cordial -

3 cups of sugar
1 tablespoon of citric acid
1 tablespoon of tartaric acid
3 large lemons
3 large oranges
5 cups of boiling water

Zest the lemons and oranges and add to a medium saucepan.
Juice the lemons and oranges and add to the saucepan.
Add all remaining ingredients and boil for 10 minutes.
Cool the mixture, strain and pour into sterilised bottles.
To serve mix 1 part cordial to 4 parts water or to taste.

I'm not sure how long it lasts in the fridge but using sterilised bottles will keep it for at least 3 - 4 weeks.


*  When oranges are cheap in Winter,  I buy up big,  zest and juice the oranges together with lemons from our tree.  Then I place the mixture into  snap lock bags ( in batch size as per recipe ) and store in the freezer for Summer.

*  This recipe could be made as lemon cordial.

*  A bottle of homemade cordial makes great presents.  Just add a homemade gift tag and ribbon to jaz up the bottle.

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