Friday, March 25, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 26th March 2016

It's been another challenging week to get through.  I'm very grateful to family,  friends and my blog readers for their kind words,  prayers and support.  THANKYOU  xoxo  Time still ticks on no matter what comes our way and I managed to get a few frugal things done each day.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Dug into a bag of bits and pieces ready to donate to the op shop and found a pair of new sneakers Megan was donating.   I tried them on and they fit perfectly.  Their new home is in my wardrobe.  It always pays to check what your kids are throwing out.

*  Saved and washed the plastic wrap from some flowers given to me.  The plastic will come in handy for another present or bunch of flowers.

*  Cut up some old socks to use as garden ties.

*  Cut up a cereal bag to use as go between for burgers and crumpets.

*  Picked a good handful of raspberries.  I'm counting the days until the plants have finished fruiting for the season.

*  Bought one punnet each of broccoli,  mixed lettuce and silverbeet to plant in our veggie garden.  Of course I made sure I picked punnets with the most seedlings to get extra value for money.

*  Gratefully received a fuel docket from a blog reader.  Thankyou Tania  xoxo

*  Darren made one dozen hot cross buns for us all to enjoy.  So yummy and much better than anything you can buy.

*  Refilled the foaming hand wash pumps with shower gel and water.

*  Dried all the washing on the clothesline.

*  Saved the kitchen warm up water to use on the raspberry bushes growing in a pot.

*  Cooked up a leg of lamb on Thursday night and made it stretch for three meals.  We had some that night as a roast and tonight we having some of the meat in a shepherd's pie.  The rest of the meat has gone into the freezer for an easy meal in the future

*  Brightened up our home with Easter decorations we've bought over the last few years.  I resisted the urge to add to our collection.

*  Gratefully received an Easter bouquet from Cath's daughter Hannah at the last card making day.  Hannah had placed a bouquet at each place setting with a lovely Easter card.  I was having a tough week with the passing of my friend.  This bouquet cheered me up and gave me something pretty to look at in my kitchen.

Darren's hot cross buns.
Hannah's Easter bouquet
Just beautiful
Easter decorations in the lounge room

Entrance decorations

Bunnies in the kitchen

What did you get up to this week ?

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