Friday, March 11, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 12th March 2016

As I look back on my week I'm not sure where the time has gone.  I did have two full days of work ( and school runs etc ) and a lovely visit to see Cath.  Unfortunately my frugal list is a little on the small side.  I try to write things down as I do them but I guess so many things have become a normal part of my everyday life.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Went to the Spotlight 30% off sale to purchase some card making items on my watch and wish list.

*  Picked raspberries each day.

*  Made a birthday card for my Dad using what I had on hand.  I also finished off the cards I made at the Cheapskates card making day.  I'll post the pictures shortly.

*  Dried the washing on clothes horses and the line.

*  I made a pasta bake with 250 grams of mince that served 5 people plus three serves of leftovers for the freezer.

*  During our mini heatwave we kept the curtains closed with the evap cooling on medium and used the electric fans ( cheaper than evap cooling on full strength ).  Overnight we kept the cooling on the lowest fan setting which gave us a great night's sleep.  By doing this the house stayed cool during the morning heat the next day and we didn't have to turn the cooling up any higher.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Topped up my car with petrol at 93 cents a litre just as all the other petrol stations put their price up to $1.20 a litre.

*  Cut up a cereal packet to use as go between for hamburger patties etc.

*  Made 8 jars of plum jam with fruit given to us.

*  Redeemed the last of my Woolworths rain checks for chicken drumsticks at $1.98 a kilo.  I think I have enough drumsticks in the freezer for another year.

*  I only went to the supermarket to get 3 litres of milk,  chicken drumsticks and choc melts.  We are still living off our Summer stockpile.  Any grocery money left over is going into the grocery slush fund each month.

*  Lined the bathroom bins with bread bags.

*  Picked a handful of yellow pear tomatoes.  These tomatoes seem to pop up in the veg garden each Summer.

Dad's birthday card.
The raspberries are slowing down
Lining the bathroom bins
Yellow pear tomatoes
Plum jam to add to my jam stockpile.

What was on your frugal list this week ?

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