Friday, March 4, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 5th March 2016

Well,  the day finally came when my soaps were hard enough to wrap.  I've been waiting for over 6 weeks so you could say I was super excited to pretty them up for gift giving.  Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Bought two cushion for the lounge room from Savers for $4.99 less 20%.

*  Also bought some soft netting from Savers for 44.99 less 205.  I'll be cutting this up Annabel style to use as ribbons on presents.

*  Picked a good handful of raspberries each day.

*  Packaged up all the soaps I've made lately.  They are now packed away in a box to give as presents during the year.  I'm quite happy with how they look.  the ribbons I used were bits and pieces I've saved over the years. It really does pay to save every scrap you come across.

*  Only used the cooling when really necessary.

*  Bought two oven mitts for $1.99 each less 20% from Savers.  I'm always on the look out for these as they cost so much in the stores.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher using bi carb of soda and white vinegar.

*  Gratefully received some shredded paper from a cleaning client to use for our chickens.  This saves us buying sugar cane mulch for the nesting boxes.

*  Saved the shower water to hand wash the op shop finds.

*  Megan made chocolate brownies

*  Ate left over curried sausage casserole one night.

*  Made more raspberry jam using our berries and lemon juice.  Any more raspberries I pick will be save for muffin baking throughout the year.

*  Redeemed a rain check for 5 kilos of chicken drumsticks at $1.98 a kilo.  This rain check was from March last  year.  I  have one more to redeem next week then I think I will have enough drumsticks for another year.  Woo Hoo  !!!

*  I'm still picking tomatoes but they are slowing right down.

*  Topped up all the cars with petrol every 3 - 4 days.  We are trying to make the most of the cheaper petrol and keeping the tanks full in case the price goes up shortly.

*  Made pizzas from scratch on Thursday night.  There was enough leftover for another dinner for Darren and a slice for Megan to take to school.

*  Made two batches of double strength miracle spray. One is kept in the kitchen and one in the laundry.  When I refill my spray bottles I dilute it down to normal strength which is 50 / 50 with water.

Lots of soaps for presents
Love this ribbon bought on clearance at Spotlight.
Made with love.

Leaf soaps.  The mould came from Mimi.
Our raspberries
Raspberry jam and the day's pickings of tomatoes.
Princess hiding in my wardrobe shoe rack.
My KFC schnitzel and relish with salad.

What fugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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