Friday, March 18, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 19th March 2016

Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Saved the wrapping paper from a gift Jessica gave me to cheer me up.  The paper will be used to make some cards.

*  Made a batch of chocolate choc chip muffins for the freezer.

*  Picked a small handful of raspberries each day to freeze.  The season is almost over.

*  Ate freezer meal leftovers for dinner one night.

*  Blessed a friend with lots of excess food that was given to us.  My friend said it was a miracle as she had family coming to stay and didn't know what she was going to feed them.

*   Gratefully received a bag of lemons from a friend.  I'll be freezing the juice for future use in jam making,  baking and cooking.

*  Gratefully received two samples of Magic Eraser at the shopping centre.

*  Darren found two fuel discount dockets in a trolley.

*  Diluted two bottles of white vinegar 50 / 50 with tap water.  It works just as good for cleaning.

*  Baked two loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Baked raspberry and white chocolate muffins for snacks and to take to the Cheapskate's card making day.

There's nothing like home baked bread.
Free samples
Our first strawberry guavas

I asked Jessica to help fold the washing. Later I found her watching something on her tablet and playing with the pegs.  Some things never change.  She loved playing with the pegs as a toddler.

Unfortunately I don't have a very big frugal list this week or many photos to share.  On Sunday night we heard the sad news that our family friend passed away.  Don was a special part of our family history and the reason Darren and I met and married.  He was a loving husband and father to two young girls.  He was also a champion for the homeless and disadvantaged in Dandenong and surrounding suburbs devoting many years at Cornerstone Contact Centre.  Please uphold his family in prayer.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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