Friday, August 21, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 22nd August 2015

Last weekend Cath from The Cheapskates Club and myself ran a workshop in Adelaide.  It was so great to meet like minded people willing to learn new budgeting skills.  I met up with Annabel from The Bluebirds Are Nesting blog and Tania from Outback Tania blog.  Such lovely ladies and we felt like we'd known each other forever.

We had a camera crew there for most of the day from the tv show Today Tonight.  The sound man came in to listen to my talk about feeding a family for $300 a month.  I thought he'd come back into the room to unhook me from the microphone.  He said he was listening and leaning.  That put a smile on my face.

Lots of information and tips was shared around the room from locals who know where to get the best deals.  So many came away from the day inspired and ready to tackle their budgets.

Please watch this space as Cath and I hope to do more workshops very soon.

Here's what else I got up to this week -.

* Gratefully received some apples,  English breakfast muffins and some lemon slice.

*  From the Adelaide Cheapskate's workshop I bought home a small bag of lollies,  a couple of packets of snack sized biscuits,  a few tea bags,  sugar,  coffee sticks,  accom toiletries and a bottle of water.

*  Bought $1 toothbrushes from Woolworths while I was in Adelaide.   I also bought more toothbrushes for 59 cents and Dove soap for 89 cents from Terry White chemists.

*  Made the most of the Spotlight 30% off sale to buy some card making equipment.  I used my clothing allowance from Winter as I didn't buy many clothes.

*  Gratefully received a gift from my blogger friend Annabel.  She bought me some baking supplies.  The wrapping paper is beautiful and will be used for card making.

*  Froze two single portions of left over tuna pasta bake.

*  Ate out of the freezer three nights in a row.  I need to make more room in the freezer for when legs of lamb come on sale in Spring.

*  Saved all washing machine water for each next load and dried all clothes on clothes horses.

*  Fed the compost bin with lots of kitchen scraps.

*  Fed the chickens some bread crusts and grass.

*  Juiced and froze some more lemon juice.

*  Made a double strength batch of Miracle Spray.

*  Emptied the supermarket shelf of white choc bits on sale in Coles.  Mind you,  they only had three packets.  I received a rain check for six more packets.  This rain check is valid for twelve month so I'll save it and try to get more stock while the sale is still on.

*  Filled up with petrol before it goes back up..

Annabel,  Cath and myself
Fellow bloggers - Annabel,  Cath,  myself and Tania
Cath doing her talk.
Annabel talking about the beauty industry.
Everyone's place setting with a goody bag and biscuits.
Our room is ready
Ready to go
The present from Annabel
Flowers Darren is growing
On my kitchen windowsill.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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