Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rissole Casserole

This is another one of my made up recipes.  I love a good casserole and mash and this one ticks all the boxes.  I'm the best Mum ever when I make this for my family.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

500 grams of beef mince
1 medium carrot peeled and diced
2 – 3 medium mushrooms sliced
½ a zucchini diced
1 cup of frozen or fresh beans
1 stick of celery diced
1 tin of tomato soup
Salt and pepper to taste
Good shake of dried oregano,  basil,  onion flakes and garlic
500 - 700 ml of water
1 cup of uncooked shell or 1 1/2 cups of spiral pasta

Roll mince into small balls. 
Place into a large oblong casserole dish. 
Add carrot,  celery,  mushrooms,  beans and zucchini over the top. 
Sprinkle on the seasonings.  
Mix the soup with 500 - 700 ml of water and pour over everything..
Cover with foil and cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius 
Take out of oven,  remove the foil and add the pasta.  
Push the pasta under the liquid so that it cooks.  Replace the foil.  
Return to the oven for a further 20 minutes or until the pasta has cooked through. 
Serve with mash and crusty bread.  

Serves 4 – 6 people. 
Freezes well.


*  If you have the time,  brown the rissoles in a fry pan first then add to the casserole dish.

*  I'm all for budget ingredients but this is a dish that needs a good quality tomato soup.  The Aldi brand is strong in flavour and dilutes well without loosing too much taste. Please don't use a generic brand unless you add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste for extra flavour..

*  This is a recipe where you can add any vegetables you have on hand. 

*  Left overs are great on toast.

Winter comfort food.
Browned rissoles with added carrot.
Adding silverbeet - because I can.
Ready to serve.

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