Friday, August 7, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 8th August 2015

Here are this week's frugal tasks.  I hope you can add your list to this post.

*  Fixed my vacuum cleaner.  One small part broke off when I was cleaning the filters.  This part helps to keep the filters in place so that the main barrel can be locked in.  My $6 bottle of super glue saved me spending $150 -  $600 on another vacuum cleaner.

*  Used some peanut butter choc chip biscuit dough from the freezer to bake cookies for the Cheapskates card making afternoon.

*  Gratefully received lots of card making scraps from Joy.

*  Used some frozen chocolate brownies to take to an afternoon tea.  They were meant to be for Darren's birthday party but I forgot all about them.

*  Sold two dozen eggs and some card making starter kits.

*  Picked some silverbeet from the garden to hide in a chop suey for tea one night.

*  Gratefully received some left over biscuits ( cookies ) from the card making afternoon.  These were eaten for morning teas at home and school.

*  Finally wrote out a menu plan for the next six weeks.  Life has been very unpredictable lately so it was too hard to stick to a plan.  We did eat out of the freezer though so all is good.

*  Made a batch of Miracle Spray.  Even though it was for a tv story,  I still needed to make some.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Saved the bath water and bucketed it into the washing machine.

*  Lined the bathroom bins with saved bread bags

*  Made lots of pita chips for snacks.

*  Made a double batch of peanut butter choc chip biscuit ( cookie ) dough for the freezer.

Chocolate brownies
Bread making
Pita chips
Peanut butter choc chip biscuit dough
Making Miracle Spray
Lining the bathroom bin.

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