Friday, August 14, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 15th August 2015

Hi everyone.  By the time you read this post Cath and I will be in Adelaide meeting some lovely people who want to learn how to live well on less.  My list is a little shorter this week as I've been preparing for the workshop,  packing and getting the house ready for me to leave.

Here's my frugal list for the week -

*  Made a double batch of Cranberry Hootycreek biscuit dough for the freezer.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher with bi carb and vinegar.  I wiped the inside of the door and seals with Miracle Spray.

Cleaned the kettle with citric acid.  It looks like new.

*  Cleaned the inside of the washing machine with vinegar and a small squirt of detergent.  Cleaned out the lint bag and holder with detergent and a toothbrush.

*  Made seven male birthday / all occasion cards for the first ever Cheapskate's card swap.

*  Kept the heater off when the sun was shining through the windows.

*  Picked up 1 kilo bags of carrots for 69 cents,  pears for 99 cents a kilo and small mandarins also for 99 cents a kilo.

*  Made a double batch of peanut butter choc chip biscuit dough for the freezer.

*  Made two chocolate cakes.  One for the family to eat and one for church morning tea on Sunday.  It's our turn to serve tea and coffee but I'll be in Adelaide so the cake for this is in the freezer for the family to take out Sat night.

*  Made a double batch of Raspberry and white choc muffins for lunchboxes and the freezer.  Gee,  the freezer gets fed well.

*  With both Darren and I having colds,  we eat simpler,  cheaper meals a couple of nights.  Eggs featured in a few meals as well  as English breakfast muffins.

*  Saved lots of washing machine water and dried most of the clothes on clothes horses.

I'm learning to make men's cards.
Filling the oven with baking.
Chocolate cake
Raspberry and white choc muffins

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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