Friday, September 23, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 24th September 2016

This week has been a bits and pieces week.  Darren has been patching and painting our ceilings after the new downlights were installed a couple of weeks ago.  He will finish painting them later in the year.  I've been busy taking photos of my cards and getting ready to sell them. Stay tuned for the big announcement.  I've completed my monthly food shop this week and started planning and buying for my Summer stockpile.

Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Sold five of my handmade greeting cards to a friend.

*  All of our chickens have started laying.  Wednesday was the first day we collected five eggs.  I've added  weeds,  grass and old vegetable plants from the garden to their diet..

*  Kept the heater off for a couple of days.  It was even warm enough to have the doors open.

*  Refilled a couple of foaming hand wash dispensers with diluted shower gel.

*  Picked a few lemons off our tree.

*  Dried some washing on the line and clotheshorses.  Some items had to be dried in the dryer.

*  We all ate leftovers out of the freezer for dinner one night.

*  Gratefully received three avocados from a friend.

*  Gratefully received a few placemats,  serviettes and doilies at the Cheapskates card making day.

*  Made a card for a wedding we are going to.  I used supplies I already had on hand.

*  Bought a beautiful pair of near new shoes from Savers for $24 using my 20% discount.  These shoes are for the wedding.

*  Refilled all the spray bottles with Miracle Spray.

*  Cut off the hanging ribbons from a cardigan.  These will be used in card making.

*  Gratefully received a handful of train magazines.  I cut out a few pictures for decorating cards.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

My ( new ) shoes

Handmade wedding card

Handmade men's card
Free card making items

What was on your frugal list this week ?

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