Friday, September 30, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 1st October 2016

Darren and I spent a lovely weekend away at Corinella Country House in Greenhill last weekend.  We had a family wedding to attend in Malmsbury just down the road from where we were staying.  The farm we stayed at was lovely and peaceful and the fresh air and gardens were just delightful.  I'll post a couple of photos below and write a blog post shortly about  our stay.

Here's what else we got up to this week -

*  Made four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Made a batch of diluted Dynamo laundry liquid ( great for smelly washing ).

*  Bought home any leftover food from our stay in Greenhill.

*  Packed bottles of water,  dinner for the first night and snacks for our weekend away.

*  Saved lots of shower water for the washing machine.  I also saved the rinse water for each next load of washing.

*  Dried the washing on the line and clotheshorses.

*  Used the dry mop on the bamboo flooring instead of getting out the vacuum cleaner.

*  Gratefully received a card making magazine and stamps from a friend.

*  Saved a couple of gift bags given with presents this week.

*  Bought two Summer tops from Savers and used a 15% discount stamp.

*  Picked silverbeet from the garden to go with two meals.

*  Darren filled up his car with petrol bought at 99 cents a litre.

*  Turned the heater off for a couple of hours each day when the sun was shining through our windows,

*  Fed the chickens an old lettuce plant every few days.

*  Cut of the ribbons from my new tops.  These will be used in card making.

We have peaches starting to grow.
Cherry blossoms on Darren's cherry tree.
The raspberry plants are growing fast.
Miniature teapots on my kitchen dresser
The cottage we stayed in.
In the garden around the cottage
The view of our cottage from the garden.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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