Friday, September 16, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 17th September 2016

My frugal  list is not it's usual length this week.  I spent a fair bit of time this week crafting and watching tv.  I even watched the midday movie which is unheard of for me.  Thankyou for all your well wishes and prayers through my facebook pages, texts and the blog. I'm blessed to count you as thoughtful friends.   The doctor said I have a flu like illness but I'm now on medication and getting better.  God blessed me with a fairly quiet week to start recovering.

Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Picked silverbeet from the garden to eat with as many meals as possible.  I needed all the vitamins in my body.

*  Stayed away from the shops for most of the week.  I sent Darren up to get potatoes.  That was it.

*  One of our chickens started laying little eggs this week.  It certainly was the highlight of my week and made me feel happy.

*  Used a few lemons from our tree to make a lemon and honey drink.  This helped to stop my coughing.

*  Dried most of the washing on clotheshorses over ducted heating vents. 

*  Put the pot plants out in the rain for a free drink.  I also fed the fruit trees with Powerfeed.

*  Used what I had on hand to make more greeting cards.  Making the cards became my happy place when I didn't have the energy to do anything else.  Sitting on a soft couch crafting away is a rarity for me.  This was probably the only upside to being unwell.

*  Gratefully received two bottles of conditioner and one bottle of Argon oil ( for hair ) from some friends.

*  Found a pair of shoes at Savers for a wedding I'm going to next week.

*  Made a big pot of chunky chicken and vegetable soup.  It really is food for the body and soul.

*  Made 9 dress cards  and a handful of men's cards to sell

In our backyard
The raspberry plants are coming to life
Lots of silverbeet to eat
Color in the garden
Little eggs
Greeting card
What was on your frugal list for this week ?    

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