Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Kitchen Sneak Peak.

My new kitchen is progressing along nicely.  The tradies have all been lovely,  polite and very helpful.  Monday was rip out / demo day.  Within a couple of hours my old kitchen disappeared never to be seen again.  Darren asked if I was missing my old kitchen to which I replied " NO  !! ".  I did take plenty of photos of it but I was not attached to it at all.  Yes,  the old kitchen and I had done the hard yards together for over 20 years.  But it was not my kitchen.  I didn't pick it out.  It came with the house.when we moved in.

Tuesday the new cabinets were fitted in and the kitchen was starting to take shape.  That night I was able to start filling the drawers and cupboards with plates,  appliances and odds and sods.  It was lots of fun fitting things in and there was a toss out of items that no long fit ( or I could do without ).

On Wednesday the stonemason came to take the template for our kitchen bench.  Darren spent the day installing new skirtings in Jessica's room and doing basic housework while I was at a cleaning job.

Today is Thursday and the plasterers are installing new cornices around the overhead cupboards.  This afternoon the electrician is hoping to install one of my ovens.  I've ordered two side opening ovens but unfortunately they are hard to get.  There are only six in Australia at the moment and I have one of them.   We've been told it could be another couple of weeks before they are made again.

It's been a challenge trying to get basic meals organised.  We've had freezer meals for two nights and chops cooked on the bbq with salad and a bread stick the other night.  Tonight we are having tacos.  I have a single hot plate that fits a medium fry pan.  Lots of fun.  It's like camping.

There's a sneak peak photo of my new kitchen -

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