Friday, August 19, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 20th August 2016

Our home is almost back to normal after a crazy couple of week and months of preparation.  I only have two boxes left to unpack.  On Friday I got back into the routine of baking again.  The second oven arrived that day after being told it would come early September.  It will be installed some time this week.  Then I will be in oven heaven.  Here's what I managed to do along with unpacking the house -

* Gratefully received pictures of rugs from a blog / facebook reader.  These pictures can be used in card making - especially men's cards.  I also received a parcel of craft items.  Thankyou for the blessing Lisa.

*  Decluttered as I unpacked our home.  I was able to donate one box and a few bags of unwanted items to Savers and received a couple of discount stamps.  Surely there isn't anything left to declutter.  We don't hoard -TRULY  !!

*  Darren bought 2 x 2 litres of milk for 50 cents each because it had a couple of days left on the use by.

*  Stayed away from the shops.  I only bought milk and a few items to make meals a little easier when we were so busy with the renos.

*  Picked silverbeet for two meals.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and the washing machine water.

*  Dried the washing on the line on Tuesday.  We've been unable to use the clothes horses with our home turned upside down.  The dryer was used most of the time so it was lovely to use the sun on Tuesday.

*  Kept the off cuts of carpet.  The carpet layers were happy for us to help ourselves.  There's almost enough to recarpet another bedroom - not that we have  spare bedroom. 

*  Avoided buying drop sheets for the painting.  Darren dug out our old curtains and flannelette sheets to use instead.

*  Filled up our cars with petrol when it dropped to 99 cents a litre.  Since then it has dropped further so we'll keep topping up our cars every few days.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Baked a double batch of chocolate lunchbox muffins.  Some were for the freezer, some for the Cheapskates card making day and the rest were for morning tea at church.

As you can imagine,  it's been a little hard to take photos lately.

In the kitchen
Baking in the new oven
Bamboo flooring being laid
Just over a week ago
Chocolate muffins
What was on your frugal list for this week ?

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