Friday, August 26, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 27th August 2016

The last of the major kitchen renovations were finished this week.  I now have my second oven and it was installed Friday afternoon.  It's already been christened and the first meal I made in it was my version of KFC drumsticks.  Later that day I emptied the last two boxes containing my miniature tea sets.  They have now been given a wipe and displayed back in the tv cabinet.  There are just a few minor adjustment to be made in the kitchen but all is good.  Here's what else I got up to this week -.

*  Cut up two cereal bags to use between frozen soup portions and chops.

*  Gratefully received two discount fuel dockets.  Thankyou Joy and Tania

*  Bought approximately 8 - 9 kilos of broccoli at a bargain price of 79 cents a kilo.  Over the next couple of days I spent some time cutting,  blanching and freezing it.

*  Gratefully receive lots of colored card stock and other card making bits and pieces from the Cheapskates card making day.

*  Bought oranges for 49 cents a kilo and zucchinis for $1.49 kg.

*  Made 10 cards to sell at some point in the future.  I used supplies I already had on hand.

*  Used my new dry mop head to give the bamboo floors a sweep over. This saves me getting the vacuum cleaner out mid week.   I bought this mop about three years ago and have only used the wet mop head on the tiles. 

*  Picked silverbeet from the garden for three meals.

*  Baked some ANZAC biscuits to take to the Paperific Expo in Melbourne today.  This will be my morning tea and  I'm also bringing a bottle of water.  I'm treating myself to a cuppa and lunch.

*  Did a one off cleaning job on Tuesday.  This family rings up about one a year to every 18 months for a clean.  I'm very grateful for the extra work every now and then.

*  Refilled the foaming hand wash pump in my bathroom.

*  Made Miracle Spray to sell to a cleaning client.

*  Fed our chooks some grass and weeds.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Had the heater off for a couple of days due to us working hard to get our home back in order.

*  Cooked all meals from scratch.  Froze a single serve of sausage casserole.

*  Reused bread bags to double wrap items for the freezer

* Froze tomato paste into ice cubes..   

Our chickens
It's hard to get them to keep still

Our plum stick has come to life
Card making
Single easel card
Girl's side stepper card
Lots of broccoli for the freezer
My second oven ( top )
My wall of ovens - YAY  !!

Did you complete any frugal tasks this week ?

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