Sunday, August 14, 2016

How To Recycle Shower Warm Up Water

One of my blog readers asked me this question a couple of months ago.  She has a front loader washing machine and couldn't pour the saved shower water into it.  If you are in this situation too,  all is not lost.  There are plenty of ways to reuse the shower warm up water that would usually fall down the drain.

* Save the water and pour it into your soaking bucket in the laundry.  Sometimes stains need a good soak overnight.  I use one of those food grade white buckets from a restaurant kitchen.  Add a small scoop of homemade laundry powder to the saved shower water.  Pour into the washing machine with your next load of washing.

*  Use the shower warm up water to wash your car. Ok,  you might need to save the shower water for a couple of days to suds up the whole car.

*  Pour cooled shower water onto pot plants and the veggie garden.  Every little bit counts.

*  Add a little disinfectant to a bucket of shower water to mop your floors

*  Give your bath a good clean with a little Miracle Spray and shower water.

*  Rinse out a dirty kitchen sink.

*  Wash a window or two using diluted Windex, metho or dish washing liquid and shower water.

*  Give your outdoor furniture a good scrub with a stiff brush and the shower water.

Watering the lettuce
Saving the water into a wide basin.

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