Sunday, April 17, 2016

5 Ways To Reuse Bread Bags

Have you been known to throw out those bread bags and not given them much thought ?  I was guilty of doing this for many years. Then one day I had a light bulb moment.  Surely there must be a way to repurpose them to reduce my cling wrap and freezer bag use.  After all,  they are a perfectly good plastic bag.  Here are five ways to reuse your bread bags and save a little money -

*  Use them to line your bathroom bins.  If your kitchen bin is small enough use them there too.

*  Keep a few bags in your car glove box.  They make great rubbish bags and sick bags, 

*  Use a bread bag when scooping out the kitty litter.  Tie a knot in the top of the bag then deposit it in the bin.  By doing this you won't have a yucky smell leaking out.

*  When storing food in the freezer,  use a bread bag as a double layer against freezer burn.  I use cling wrap or a freezer bag to wrap the food then a bread bag as the outer layer.

*   Use instead of cling wrap to cover a bowl in the fridge.  If the bowl is small enough just slip it inside the bag and fold the excess plastic underneath.  If you need to cover a large bowl,  cut the bottom of the bag off.  Then cut the bag length ways to get a wider piece of plastic.  Cover your bowl and secure with a large rubber band.

Drying the bags out
Bin liners.

NOTE -  When you've finished eating the loaf of bread,  make sure you turn the bags inside out,  brush the crumbs off and dry for a couple of hours.  This will avoid mould growing in the bags

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