Friday, April 29, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 30th April 2016

I somehow seem to keep myself busy around my home.  I try to find a couple of frugal tasks to do each day that either saves me money or valuable time.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Gratefully received a few jars from my friend Bronwyn.  Thankyou so much  xoxo

*  Cooked 80 mini quiches for a catering job.

*  Baked mini muffins for morning tea at church.  The rest were frozen for school lunchboxes.

*  Made pizza scrolls with the leftover pastry from the mini quiches.  I used tomato sauce and bbq sauce mixed together then topped the sauce with mixed herbs and cheese.  Very yummy.  Some have been frozen for lunchboxes.

*  Gratefully received some scented drawer liners at a high tea.  They will be used to decorate birthday cards.

*  Made a double batch of ANZAC biscuit dough.  Some of the dough was made into biscuits and the rest was frozen for future baking.

*  Gratefully received lots of bread bags form a charity bbq.  I have de crumbed them,  dried them and stored them away for use.

*  Sold one dozen eggs.

*  Stocked up on toothpaste at $1.30 a tube and tins of soup for 99 cents a tin. The soup will be used to make chicken curry and tuna casserole.

*  Dried the washing on the line and clothes horses when it rained.

*  Rotated the tins of food in the pantry and restocked from my stockpile.

*  Picked a couple of raspberries here and there and froze them for baking..

*  Made a batch of dried seasoned bread crumbs using bread crusts I'd saved.

*  Darren gave one of our chickens an Epsom salts  bath.  She keeps getting a dirty bottom and this seems to help.

ANZAC biscuits

Some of the 80 mini quiches I made
From the garden
Gracie getting a bath.
Chocolate muffins
Hanging the bread bags out to dry
Pizza scrolls
Grocery special
What did you do this week to save time,  money or energy ?

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