Friday, April 1, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 2nd April 2016

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and spent some precious time with your loved ones.  I managed to get some rest over the Easter holiday and even spent a whole day in front of the tv watching the Royal Children's Hospital Appeal.  It was wonderful to sit and do nothing for a change.  Here's what I got up to on the other days this week -

*  Bought lots of Lindt bunnies in Kmart for $2.25 each which is half price. I stockpiled enough for all our birthdays,  Christmas stockings,  Mother's Day,  Father's Day and anniversaries for the next twelve months.

*  Made homemade pizza for dinner one night using the last of the tomatoes from the garden and some ham that was given to us.  Leftovers were eaten for lunch the next day.

*  Baked two loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.  Usually I bake more but my freezers are choc a block at the moment.

*  I baked one dozen hot cross buns.  Each year Darren makes one dozen and I make another.  It's a bit of a bake off to see who can have the nicest looking hot cross buns using the same recipe.

*  Sold two dozen eggs and two jars of tomato relish to a cleaning client.

*  Bought a top from Savers for $5.40.  Megan bought a denim skirt and a top.  We used a 10% discount stamp to get an even better price.

*  Used leftovers from the fridge to make a chicken casserole.

* Our church is having a fundraiser on Sunday.  I was able to donate some jars of jam,  soaps,  cards and biscuits from what I had on hand.  I was given lots of different teas so I packaged them up in cello bags and put a cardstock header on the packet.  I'm hoping these will sell too and make great Mother's Day presents.

*  Picked two handfuls of raspberries.

*  Darren picked two pink roses from the garden.  They smell divine.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher with vinegar and bicarb and put it on a long hot cycle to clean the pipes.

*  Used the saved kitchen water to water the raspberry plants.

*  Mended a pair of socks and Megan's school jumper.

*  Donated a bag of household items to Savers and received a discount stamp.

*  Darren and Jessica filled up their cars when petrol was around $1.02 a litre just as other petrol stations were putting their prices up.

*  Dried the washing on the clothesline.

Have I bought enough bunnies ?
Jars of jam to sell.
Gift packs of tea.
From the garden.
My hot cross buns.
What was on your frugal list this week ?

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