Friday, April 15, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 16th April 2016

I've had a mixed bag of experiences this week.  I helped my sister move,  spent a day recovering,  had two days of cleaning work,  did my usual housework,  decluttered and had an outing with Darren ( the highlight of the week ).  Here's what else I got up to this week -.

*  Gratefully received two bags of jam jars from my sister.  I give lots of jam as presents so I'm always needing more jars.  I also received a bag of jars from a cleaning client.

*  Did the usual water saving tasks in the laundry and dried the washing on the line.

*  Made chicken curry with two chicken fillets and it fed us for two meals.

Cleaned the kettle.

*  Jessica went through her make up and gave me a blusher and brush she doesn't want.

*  Did an extra day of cleaning work.

*  Bought a $7.90 cooked chicken and got 14 serves from it.  We had some in rolls for lunch x 4,  I made chunky chicken and veg soup that gave us 6 serves and enough meat for the freezer that will be made into a pasta bake or chop chicken ( like chop suey ) x 4 serves.  I also used all the bones to make chicken stock in the slow cooker.

*  Darren and I had an outing to Mornington on Wednesday.  We took our own lunch ( chicken in rolls )and bottles of water to save some money.  We did treat ourselves to morning tea.

*  Fed the compost bin with kitchen scraps.

*  Made a batch of Miracle Spray and sold it to a cleaning client.

*  Dug down to the bottom of my lipstick to get every last bit out.  Avon has decided to discontinue my favourite color ( yet again ).  Thankfully I have a few spare tubes and I'll be making them last as long as possible.

*  Over the last couple of weeks I've stayed home as much as possible.  I've only used 1/2 a tank of petrol since the day before Good Friday.

*  Gratefully received some stamps for card making and a set of craft drawers from my Mum.

*  Made a bottle of air freshener for the ensuite.

*  Used the watering can to water my veggie seedlings.  This is more water wise than using a hose.

*  Mended a hole in a pair of socks.

*  We had our movie night at home on Thursday.  We watched " The Help " and even our girls ventured out of their rooms to watch most of it with us.

Plants we bought in Mornington
Jessica's Christmas present now has flowers.
In the garden
Lettuce seedlings are growing
Lavender air freshener
Chicken curry
Making Miracle Spray

How did you save money this week ?

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