Friday, April 8, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 9th April 2016

During the week I got the de-cluttering bug again.  With all the extra time on my hands I've been digging into cupboards and donating items I don't like or use.  Megan went through her room again and donated clothes she doesn't need. Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Made a double batch of fruit crumble topping mix.

*  Made a double batch of peanut butter choc chip biscuit dough.  Some of the dough was made into biscuits to sell and some for us to eat.  The rest of the dough was rolled into logs and frozen.

*  Made four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Darren and I went to the movies to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.  We used a movie gift card given to us last Christmas and I bought water and chocs from home.

*  Dried all the washing on the clothesline.

*  Gratefully received a bag of limes from a next door neighbour.

*  Made a batch of yoghurt using a packet from the pantry.

*  Mended my work sneakers.  The sole was starting to come away so I used some shoe glue to put it back together.  Hopefully they will last a lot longer.

*  Continued decluttering and donated items to Savers for a discount stamp.

*  Received some wrapping paper from my friend and blog reader Anne.  The wrapping paper has little Christmas trees on it that will be great for making Christmas cards.

*  Darren emptied the compost bins in to the veggie garden. He also started the next lot of compost by emptying bags of coffee grinds into the bins.  I've now planted the seedlings I bought last week.

*  At the moment there's nothing much on tv on Thursday nights.  Darren has decided to make this movie night.  We have so many dvds in our collection and like to make the most of them.  This week we watched Blast From The Past.  No money was spent and I enjoyed watching the characters  "shop " from their 35 years worth of groceries.

*  Defrosted our 120 litre freezer.  I was able to stack things better when I put them back in.  I saved the hot water used to defrost the freezer and watered a few plants once the water cooled down.

*  I diluted some Dynamo laundry liquid into another bottle.  We bought about 12 bottles of Dynamo about 6 or 7 years ago at a bargain price of $2 per bottle.  We only use it on the odd occasion for smelly washing or work uniforms.  Some people in our house ( who will remain unnamed ) are a bit heavy handed with the liquid.  To get around this I half filled an old squirty laundry liquid bottle with water,  poured some of the Dynamo in and gave it a good shake. Then I topped it up with more water.  This will be great for hand washing and when others feel the need to put a load on.

Gifted limes
Our lemons are ripening
In the garden
Biscuit ( cookie ) dough
Ready to eat.
Diluted laundry liquid on the right.
Defrosting the freezer
Feijoas are growing.  

How did you save money this week ?

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