Friday, November 6, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 7th November 2015

It was a bit hit and miss trying to get into the garden this week.  Although we are very grateful for the rain,  we had so much we wanted to do outside.  Here's our frugal list for the week -

*  Gratefully received some mini Christmas puddings / cake from a friend

*  Made dried bread crumbs out of saved bread crusts.  I love free items and no waste.

*  Made wholemeal bread rolls.  Some were used for homemade hamburgers.

*  Kept the heater off as much as possible.  It would be easier if we had real Spring weather not hot then cold.

*  Saved the bread bags from a charity bbq.  Some were use to line the bathroom bins.

*  Picked silverbeet and spinach for a couple of meals.

*  Dried all the washing on clotheshorses and the line.  I can't remember the last time i used the dryer.  It's still good to have one just in case.

*  Gratefully received some water crackers and chocolates.

*  Diluted the last of the cheap laundry liquid I bought years ago from Sam's Warehouse for 97 cents a bottle.  Each bottle gives me about 30 washes.  When diluted I get 60.  It smells so nice that I save it for when the washing is a little smelly.

*  Bought a huge head of cauliflower for 99 cents.  I haven't been able to buy cauliflower for so long as it's been expensive.  I also bought a small whole Kent pumpkin for 99 cents a kilo.

*  .Gratefully received about 3 - 4 kilos of strawberries from a friend.  I'll be making lots of jam for eating and present giving. Thankyou to my friend.  The strawberries are a real blessing  xoxo

*  Cut out some rose pictures from wrapping paper.  These will be used to decorate gift bags "Annabel style. "

*  Planted out lots of bean seedlings.  I also planted more dwarf bean and lettuce seeds.  Five minutes later the heavens opened up and down came the rain.

*  Ate out of the freezer two nights this week.

*  Gratefully received some bbq sausages.  I made them into a sausage casserole that gave us 10 serves ( 6 for the freezer ).

*  Made a double batch of Anzac biscuit dough for the freezer.  I'll be baking some of this on Christmas Eve for presents.

*  Saved the shower warm up water for the garden.

*  Fed the compost and worm farm with kitchen scraps.

*  Picked the first of our strawberries for the season.

In the garden
Raspberry bushes
Raspberries growing
Our first strawberries
From the garden ( chicken coop )
Bread rolls
Biscuit ( cookie ) dough
Our blessing
Darren sorting out his bulbs and Princess having fun
Wrapping paper roses from Annabel's birthday gift

What fugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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