Friday, November 13, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 14th November 2015

There's always lots of money to be saved around the home.  Most of these tasks only take about 5 minutes to complete but the savings really add up.  Here's what we got up to this week -.

*  Made lots of jars of strawberry and apple jam.

*  Gratefully received some home maker magazines.  I'll be able to use some images in my card making.

*  Gratefully received some lemon cordial from a friend.

*  Gratefully received a beautiful hand made card with a gift suprise inside.  Thankyou to my friend  xoxo

*  Decorated some recycled gift bags

*  Baked a batch of Anzac biscuits.

*  Picked a handful of strawberries every couple of days.

*  Bought a loganberry plant of clearance for $5.  It's looking a bit sad so Darren put it in a bucket of water.

*  Sold excess eggs and two jars of jam

*  Dried the washing on clotheshorses.

*  Did lots of Christmas shopping.  Most things were on sale or scanned at cheaper prices. 

*  Repotted some raspberry plants that are growing a little wild.  They have good roots on them so I hope they survive.

*  Bought some Village movie gift cards with 10% off from Coles.  These will be Christmas presents.  Combined with the discount offered by Telstra or RACV,  the tickets will be quite cheap.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to use on the veggie seedlings.

*  Ate freezer meals two night this week.

*  Bought a 500 gram punnet of cherries for $1.99 and a 1 kilo container of apples also for $1.99.

* Jessica put together four Christmas presents for some of her friends.  She used recycled gift bags and tissue paper,  handmade cards from our card box and regifted toiletry packs.  Myself and the girls get given many toiletry packs as presents.  Unfortunately we can't use them due to skin allergies.  By regifting them,  we save money and reduce landfill

*  Picked some hydrangeas from the garden.  I've been watching the blooms form for the last couple of weeks.  They make such a beautiful cut flower.

*  Darren saved $125 on our home and contents insurance by going online  to our provider.  The online quote was pretty good but it asked if Darren was happy with the quote. he typed in " no'  an even better quote came up.  He's very happy with the savings.

From the garden
Along the driveway
Decorated gift bags

Jam making
The haul
Jessica's presents for fiends

What did you do to save time,  money or energy ?

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