Sunday, November 29, 2015

Stockpiling For Summer And The Holidays

As you probably know,  I love having a stockpile.  It comes in handy for many,  many reasons.

Last year,  Cath from The Cheapskates Club shared a wonderful stockpiling idea that I now implement in my home.  The idea is " Stockpiling for Summer "  and here's how it works -

Starting about August or September,  work out what grocery items you would need to buy over the Summer or Christmas holiday period.  Divide that list into the months you have left to buy before Summer / Christmas. 

Every time you go grocery shopping,  add those extra items to your  supermarket trolley. This is where your grocery slush fund comes in handy for the extra costs involved.  In August / September I start buying non perishables like toilet paper,  toiletries,  pasta,  sugar,  rice,  cat food and tinned items

During October and November, I stock up on cheese,  butter,  frozen veg,  flour,  breakfast cereal,  spreads,  sauces and anything else that's heavy. I freeze some of the butter as I don't have the fridge space.

When December hits,  I only need to top up on any items I've forgotten plus any foods needed to celebrate Christmas.

In Australia,  January,  February and part of March are well known for their heatwaves.  During this time,  I'm hoping the only grocery items I'll need to buy are milk,  fruit and veg on a weekly basis.  By stockpiling ahead of time I won't be battling the crowds or sweating it out pushing a heavy trolley through the shopping centre car park.

If you are in the northern hemisphere,  stockpiling ahead of time takes on a whole new meaning.  Floods,  snow storms and extreme weather conditions could make it impossible to leave the home.  By planning ahead and having a good stockpile,  your Winter could be easier to deal with.

At the moment,  all my cupboards,  pantry,  fridge and freezers are chock a block full.  It's such a good feeling to be ready for the holidays.

Do you stockpile for the holiday / Summer / Winter season ?

A monthly grocery shop
A full and organised pantry
Everything in it's place.

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