Friday, November 20, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 21st November 2015

Over the last few weeks I've had to slash our family budget due to a big reduction of income from my cleaning jobs.  My frugal list might not have big or grand savings but everything I do helps our bottom line.  Here's what I got up to this week -

*  Made a batch of yoghurt

*  Picked a small handful of strawberries each day. 

*  Made a double batch of pumpkin scones.  Most went into the freezer for morning teas

*  Made lavender room air freshener for about $1

*  Shopped for the first time with a reduced grocery budget of $200 for the month.  It was a challenge but I kept to budget by crossing items of my shopping list that were not really needed.

*  Watered my transplanted raspberry plants each day with saved shower warm up water

*  Bought two bags of mixed nuts in their shells for $5 a bag from Aldi.  Last year I bought them in Coles for $7 as I couldn't find them anywhere else.  Glad about the cheaper price.  These will be given as Christmas presents ( with other things ) to some of the men in my family

*  Picked and ate the first raspberry for the season.  So yummy and rich in flavour.

*  Dried all the washing on the line and clothes horses.

*  Kept the heater off all week.  I've now turned it off at the thermostat.

*  Only turned the cooling on when really needed.  I've kept the curtains closed on the hot days.

*  Bought a punnet of lettuce seedlings from Bunnings for $2.90.  I picked the punnet that had the most seedlings in.  Some had 10 but I found one with 14.  I've tried growing lettuce from seed twice this season but they just aren't growing.  I'll still be saving money with the seedlings because lettuces cost $1 - $3 each.

*  Ate out of the freezer a few nights this week.  Slowly,  slowly we are making room ( and saving money ).

*  Combined lots of little shopping errands into one trip

Homemade yoghurt and homegrown strawberries.
Picking strawberries each day
Lettuce seedlings
Our pears continue to grow
Pumpkin scones
Lavender air freshener

What's on your frugal list for the week ?

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