Friday, October 23, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 24th October 2015

It's been a very exciting week here.  Lamb and broccoli were on sale and Jessica finished high school.  Please read on to find out what else we got up to -

*  Received a few belated birthday presents.  I saved the gift bags,  bubble wrap,  tissue paper and gift boxes to use again some time in the future.

*  Picked silverbeet  for two meals,

*  Went through all the birthday and Christmas presents I've stashed away for the next couple of years.  I've  now allocated them and written them into my present / gift book.

*  Gratefully received a tomato plant and a few colored chard ( silverbeet ) plants from my Dad.

*  Hand washed the dinner dishes a couple of nights.

*  Dried the washing on the line and clothes horses ( when it rained ).

*  Saved the shower warm up water to water all the fruit trees.

*  Wrapped up my handmade rose soaps ready to give as presents.

*   Made a double batch of Cranberry Hootycreek biscuit dough for the freezer.  I baked some that day and the rest of the dough will be baked just before Christmas to give as presents.

*  We ate freezer meals ( leftovers ) for dinner two nights.

*  Filled up both the cars with petrol using discount dockets and paid $1.14 a litre.  Darren's old car was on gas / petrol.  Now that both our cars run on petrol we need to watch the price cycles carefully and use dockets to get the best price every time.

*  Darren organised a better deal on both our car insurances.  He saved $154 on mine and got a better excess and windscreen replacement included.  For Darren's new car he saved $172.  Our insurances were not that dear to begin with compared to what you see on tv.  So we are happy with our savings.

*  Bought rice bran oil on a better than half price sale.  This will be used to make a different type of soap.

*  Bought eight kilos of broccoli for $1.50 a kilo.  I spent 1 1/2 hours cutting,  blanching and freezing all of it.  I even cut up most of the stalks and froze them to use in casseroles.

*  We went out for dinner to celebrate Jessica graduating high school.  We used a coupon for 25% off the food bill.

*  Bought five legs of lamb for $5.99 kg from a new local shop called Fresh Value Market in Cranbourne.  This will be enough lamb roasts for Christmas Day and until lamb comes on sale again next Spring.

*  Made a batch of Miracle Spray to sell to a cleaning client.  I also made a double strength batch to use at home.  It's time saving to make it double strength then dilute it when it's decanted into spray bottles.

Rose soaps wrapped to give as presents
They all look so pretty
Do you think I have enough broccoli ?
Raspberry plants are growing in leaps and bounds.
Cherries.  We hope to get more than 6 from last year.
Our first ever pears.  We hope they stay and grow.
Our only peach.  The plant has curly leaf.

What does your frugal list look like ?

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