Friday, October 2, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 3rd October 2015

I've come to the end of my week and I'm feeling good about what I've achieved.  Here's my frugal  list -

*  Picked,  blanched and froze some broccoli from our garden.  I also diced the stalks and froze it to be used in casseroles.

*  Picked silverbeet for a couple of meals.

*  Made Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins and sold them to a cleaning client.

*  Fed the compost with all kitchen scraps.

*  Sold four dozen eggs to friends and neighbours.

*  Made lots of cards for up coming birthdays.

*  Mended two pairs of socks.

*  I thought my broccoli was almost finished.  When I went out to check on it I found enough florets for another meal.

*  Sold four of my handmade cards.

*  Bought four packs of 16 roll Kleenex Cottonelle on clearance in Big W for $5 a pack.  This was reduced from $15 and the rolls are extra long with 270 sheets each.  I don't usually buy this brand but the price was too good to refuse.

*  Bought some binder books in Big W for 20 cents each.  These will be good for the girls for school and Uni.

*  Darren emptied a compost bin onto a veg garden bed.  This lifted the soil level for free.

*  Gratefully received some teabag samples from Cath.

*  Went craft shopping with Cath and picked up some bargain card making supplies.  I bought lots of embossing folders for $3.38 each  These retail for $6 in Spotlight.  At one shop they had lots of free card making brochures.  Some had images I can cut out to use on cards.  Some even had free papers to use.

*  Only spent $5.50 this week on milk and bananas.

*  Bought some clearance bargains in Big W.  Packs of 5 cards and envelopes for 50 cents.  Packs of AA batteries 10 per pack for 50 cents,   iphone screen protectors 3 per pack for $1.  Packets of Bic pens 25 per pack for 50 cents.  Plastic sheet protectors ( for paper ) 100 per pack for 50 cents.  I was very careful to only buy what we can use.

*  Dried the washing on the line and clothes horses.  Saved lots of shower water and washing machine water for each next load.

*  Made a quadruple batch of laundry powder.

My birthday photo
Cards I made and sold
Broccoli florets
Our chicken's pretty eggs.
Pear tree in blossom
Darren's cherry tree
Cherry blossom
More flowers

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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