Friday, October 30, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 31st October 2015

Here's this week's frugal list.  I hope you can add your frugal tips too.

*  Stocked up on TRESemme shampoo and conditioner at half price.  I think we have enough stockpiled for one year.

*  Darren and I went to the movies for free by using a gift card from last Christmas.  Darren bought the tickets online through Telstra for $11 each.  We also bought our snacks and bottles of water from home.

*  Watered the fruit trees with the shower warm up water.

*  Picked silverbeet for two meals.

*  Ate freezer meals twice this week.  Because we freeze all leftovers,  they pile up quickly.  The more we eat out of the freezer,  the more we seem to put in  !!

*  Only spent $2 on milk this week ( other than the shamp / cond ). We didn't need any fruit and veg.

*  Sold some eggs

*   Made a batch of vanilla yoghurt using a starter I'd frozen a while ago.

*  Gratefully received three avocados from a friend.  Darren and Jessica are in avocado heaven as we rarely buy them.

*  .Made another batch of homemade soap using a different recipe from Phil at the House of Simple blog.

*  Picked some roses that were growing in the chicken coop.

*   Saved water as per usual.

*  Filled up my car for $1.08 per litre using a fuel docket.

*  Stayed away from the shops except to buy the milk,  shamp / cond.

*  Watered five small bushes using water we collected in a bucket under the hot water system  overflow pipe.

*  Fed the chickens some bread rolls that were given to us.

*  Made lots of muffins to raise funds at church for our Christmas hamper program.  I used supplies I had on hand.

*  Darren repotted some raspberry cuttings from last season.  If they take off we'll have lots of raspberries for muffins, icecream and jam.

Muffins to sell
Homemade decorations using silicon moulds

Tuna pasta bake with shredded silverbeet
So easy to bring the washing in if the weather changes
Raspberry cuttings.
A feijoa flower
Roses in the chicken coop.

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