Friday, October 9, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 10th October 2015

Here are this week's frugal tasks.  A bit of a mixed bag.  I like variety and my home life certainly gives me that.

*  Dug up the wayward raspberry plants and re-potted them.  If they survive,  I'll be giving some as presents.

*  Made up a birthday present for a friend using things I had on hand.  I gave a jar of tomato relish and a couple of packs of cards I'd made.

*   Made a big pot of curried sausage casserole out of sausages given to us.  We got 12 serves from it.  Lots went into the freezer.

*  'Stocked up on teabags, choc melts,  choc share bags and tinned beetroot all at half price.  I used my food slush fund for these bargains.

*  Made a batch of Dried Seasoned Bread Crumbs.

*  Saved the shower water for the washing machine.  Also saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Dried all the washing on the line.

*  Planted out the tomato plants my Dad gave me.  Also planted lettuce,  dwarf beans and climbing bean seeds.  I'm using an old plastic doona cover packet as a mini hot house to get the seeds growing quickly.

*  Grated up 8 bars of laundry soap for when I need to make laundry powder.  I like to have a bucket full of grated soap ready to use.  By doing it now,  I don't need to do it during Summer in the heat.

*  Ate free freezer meals ( leftovers ) two nights this week.

*  Made pizza for one meal using pita bread and ham that was given to us a while ago and frozen.

*  Spent under $10 this week for milk,  fruit and veg.

*  Picked silverbeet for one meal.

*  Sorted out my Christmas present list for this year and made a great start on next year's birthday and Christmas list.  I've added lots of homemade goodies to save money.

*  Used frozen cooked apple to make apple crumble using the crumble topping mix.

*  Didn't vacuum and mop on Wednesday like I usually do.  This saved 20 minutes of electricity plus boiling the kettle twice to mop the floors.  I usually vac and mop twice a week so it will still get done over the weekend.

*  Used my watering can to water the veggie plants and seedlings.  This saves heaps of water as I'm only watering the plants.  If I used the hose ,  I'd be watering grass and dirt as I move the hose.

*  Ripped up school notices for my little magnetic clipboard note pad

*  Lined the bathroom bins with recycled freezer bags.  Usually I use bread bags but I was getting too many freezer bags stashed away.

* Saved dish washing liquid bottles for future workshops.

*  Darren poured worm tea on our fruit trees.

*  Started using my homemade soap this week.

 Princess loves being right near me. This is the view looking down from my chair at the dining table while on the computer.  You can see the computer cord in the photo.  She loves to play with it.

A very big pot of curried sausage casserole
From the garden
Homemade soap
My watering can

What did you do this week that saved you time,  money or energy ?

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