Friday, October 16, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 17th October 2015

We've had some comings and goings in the Gower house this week.  Please read the frugal task list to find out what happened -

* Made 10 cards with supplies on hand to raise funds at our church for our hamper giveaway.

*  Megan went to a birthday dinner.  She was able to give some earrings she bought a while ago and didn't use.  She also used a homemade card from my stash.

*  Used the watering can all week to water all the fruit trees and veggie plants.  I used the shower warm up water to do this.

*  The family ate bits and pieces out of the fridge for dinner on Sunday night

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness and two of white bread.

*  Made fruit icecream using bananas and cream given to us and a few raspberries I froze from last season.

*  Made a 1 kilo batch of Brown Sugar.

*  Dried all the washing on the line.

*  Darren fed our fruit trees with worm tea from our worm farm.

*  Froze two singles serves of left over beef stew and one of Tuna Casserole.

*  Stocked up on Lynx shower gel,  Lynx deod and Nature's Fruits body wash.  All were bought at half price and most will be put away for presents.

*  Darren is now the proud owner of a two year old Nissan Dualis after saying good bye to his 14 year old Nissan Pulsar ( the work horse ).  Some might wonder how this could fit into the frugal tasks post.  We saved hard for four years and paid cash ( bank cheque ).  No car loans for us.  Now we've started saving for when my 2008 Camry needs replacing. With our car history,  that won't be for quite a while.

*  Made Chunky Roast Beef and Vegetable soup using left over meat.

*  Darren picked a beautiful pink rose from the garden to put on my bedside table.  It smells so lovely.    

Darren and his new car
Banana and raspberry icecream

What does your frugal task list look like this week ?

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