Friday, September 25, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 26th September 2015

*  Saved the Wheat Bix crumbs from the bottom of the bag and poured them into the Dried Seasoned Bread Crumbs container.

*  Fed the compost with lots of leafy greens and veggie scraps.

*  We went to the Melbourne Show on Tuesday.  Darren went for free as his sister's companion ( she has a disability ).  Megan and I bought our tickets online and got the early bird discount on a student ticket and a concession ticket.

*  Baked Cranberry Hootycreek biscuits to take to the show as snacks.  We also took our water bottles.

*  Ate freezer meals one night this week and also added to the stockpile with two single serves of sausage casserole.

*  Saved lots of water from the shower to pour into the washing machine. Also saved the final rinse water for the next load.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher and filters with Miracle Spray,  bi carb and vinegar.  I try to do this once a month and run it on an empty hot cycle.

* Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread.

*  Dried all the washing on the line and clothes horses.  The weather has been lovely.

*  Went to a Cheapskates card making afternoon.  I learnt to make a few different cards and flowers.  We also had a swap table.  I was blessed with some material,  plants and craft supplies.  I blessed other with glass jars and lemons.

*  Washed out some snap lock bags that were given to me.

* Picked broccoli and spinach to go in a few meals.

*  Sold two dozen eggs at the card making afternoon.

*  Bought four crumpet rings from Savers for $1.80.  I think they usually retail for about $4 per ring.  As soon as we've finished eating our store bought crumpets,  I'll try making my own with a recipe on the Cheapskates website.

*  Only spent $4 on groceries this week and that was on milk.  With all the fruit and veg bargains I bought  1 1/2 weeks ago,  we didn't need anything else.

*  Continued de- cluttering and took two bags of goodies to the op shop and received two discount stamps for future purchases.

*  Turned the heater off when possible and made sure the curtains were wide open to let the sun stream in.

Our raspberry plants are growing so quickly.
This photo was taken 11 days ago

Darren's proud of his flowers grown from cuttings.
Little raspberry plants popping up everywhere
The girls who won't keep still for a photo
Crumpet rings
Princess - the only place to rest.

What's on your frugal list for this week ?

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