Friday, September 11, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 12th September 2015

After having a crazy busy week last week,  we tried to slow down and rest a little for this week.  To be honest,  I just tried to keep on top of the basic housework and cook all our meals.  My frugal list isn't as long as it usually is but everything I do saves us money in some shape or form.  Here my frugal list -

*  Gratefully received some oranges from my sister in law. Some were kept fresh to eat and the rest I blitzed in the food processor and froze to make orange cake.

*   Made an orange cake for a Father's Day family get together.  I used a blitzed orange from the freezer.  I'll be posting the recipe for this cake shortly.

*  Bought a jumper from the op shop for $4.  They had a 50% off sale on Monday.

*  Gratefully received two jam jars.

*  Made a huge pot of chunky chicken and veg soup using two chicken fillets and homemade stock from the freezer.  The soup was enough to feed the four of us for two meals and Jessica took some to school for lunch.

*  Received two coffee samples in the mail as freebies.

*  Refilled my conditioner bottle and diluted it by 1/3.

*  Made a chicken flan using our chicken's eggs and some silverbeet from the garden.

*  Bought some fruit and veg bargains for $16.55.  This included two bags of potatoes at $1 each for 5 kilos.  This will be enough fruit and veg to feed us for the next 2 - 3  weeks.

*  Kept the heater off or turned down for a few days.

*  Saved the washing machine water.  Dried most of the washing on clothes horses and the clothesline

*  Baked some peanut butter choc chip biscuits to go with a Father's Day present.

*  Sold some of our chicken's eggs.

*  Pulled out some weeds and fed them to the chickens.

*  Gratefully received some glass cordial bottles from Cath.  I'm hoping to make cordial for some Christmas presents.

*  Baked some pita chips in the oven while I was cooking the chicken flan.

My $16.55 fruit and veg haul
A bird's eye view
Pita chips for snacks
Orange cake
Darren's tulips
Peanut butter choc chip biscuits - YUM  !!

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?  I'd love to see your list.

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