Friday, April 24, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 25th April 2015

Here's my frugal list for the week.  We are very grateful for the blessings that have come our way.

*  Gratefully received some bread,  focaccias,  sandwiches,  chicken and a few slices of cake. 

*  Ate leftovers on Sunday night.  There was lamb stew left over from two nights ago and party food from Sunday lunch time.

*  Made a bottle of air freshener.  I also made the bottle look nicer with a little bit of colored card stock.

*  Saved lots of washing machine water for each next load.

*  Dried just about all the washing on clothes horses and the line.  A few things were dried in the dryer because they were needed urgently.

*  Made a few more cards using wrapping paper I found in Megan's room.

*  Bought some bargains in the clearance aisle of Coles.  Darren and I found torches for $1,  silicon baking liners for $1 each,  cake decorating pen for $1 and a couple of DVDs for $2.  The DVDs and torches will be put in our Christmas stockings.

*  Picked some flowers from our garden to brighten up my kitchen.

*  Picked a handful of raspberries every few days.

*  Recycled 10 bread bags from a charity bbq Darren organised.

*  Bought three bottles of Imperial Leather shower gel for $4.50.  They are one litre bottles and smell divine.  I also bought another bottle of Pine O Cleen disinfectant for my stockpile.   Both bargains were bought from Coles.

*  Made a double batch of raspberry and white choc muffins.  Also made choc truffles and lemon slice.  Some of each of these were for morning tea at church last Sunday.  Megan was water baptised last Sunday and we had the family back for a lunch of sausage rolls,  mini quiches,  sandwiches,  lemon slice,  choc truffles and the muffins.  A very yummy lunch and a wonderful day.

Sorry,  I don't have many photos for this week.  It's either been too dark for good photos or too late at night when I think to get the camera out.

Flowers Megan and her little cousin Claire picked from our garden last Sunday.  Just lovely.

Flowers to brighten up my kitchen.

Jessica thought she'd be creative.  Raspberries and our first feijoa from our garden.

Princess just loves to lay on top of the clotheshorse.  She's smooching and rubbing / scratching her face on the pegs.  She has been know to fall asleep here.  Not very comfortable and the clotheshorse bars buckle under her weight.

Flowers given to Megan from the chef at the cafe they work at together.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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