Friday, April 17, 2015

This Week's Frugal Tasks 18th April 2015

*  Made about 150 - 200 sausages rolls for a couple of future family events.  I lost track of how many I made.

*  Bought Shapes biscuits on sale for $1.49 a box.  We don't eat much in the way of ready made food.  This is one of the few exceptions.

*  Sold a dozen eggs.

*  Gratefully received a card making parcel from my friend Annabel.  Her blog The Bluebirds Are Nesting is a wonderful source of inspiration for making beautiful things on a budget.

* Picked about 10 - 12 raspberries every second day.

*  Made about 150 mini quiches for future family events.  Of course we all had to sample them and I got the thumbs up from Darren and the girls.  The rest of the quiches are in the freezer.

*  Gratefully received some breakfast quiches and pumpkin soup from a friend.

*  Bought some " new " cushions from the op shop for $3.80 each.  They are jst the right color for my bed.

*  Made about a dozen more cards with supplies given to me.  At this stage they are blank on the inside.  I'll stamp them when the occasion arises.

*  Went through some old magazines I have at home and ripped out pages I can use to make more cards.

*  Made a double batch of pizza dough.  Each batch makes four pizza bases.  We had pizza for tea on Sunday so the remaining six dough balls are in the freezer.

*  Saved lots of warm up water from the shower and poured it into the washing machine.  We also saved lots of washing water for the next load.

*  Diluted and refilled the dishwashing liquid bottle.

*  Megan picked up some Easter twine and noodle boxes at 75% off for 60 cents each.

*  Made a double batch of peanut butter choc chip biscuits.  I baked some and froze the rest of the dough.

Grown from a cutting.
Mini quiches
Peanut butter choc chip biscuits
Megan's 60 cent Easter bargains
Card making
Found growing in the veggie garden
Our first small feijoa fruit
Silverbeet almost ready to pick

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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