Friday, October 7, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 8th October 2016

Rain,  rain,  rain.  We've had lots of rain in Melbourne this week.  I just kept plodding along doing what I could in my home to save a little money here and there.

Thankyou to everyone for your birthday wishes here and on facebook. It was an interesting day with half my family at work and the AFL grand final on in the afternoon.  I spent the day making greeting cards and taking it easy ( I've come down with another sore throat ).  Jessica made me a lovely pot of tea and served it on a fancy tray with a vintage china cup and saucer.

Here's what else I got up to this week -

*  Made a roast leg of lamb stretch for 12 serves.  We had it as a roast meal for my birthday on Saturday.  On Monday I made the leftover meat into a lamb stew that fed us for two nights.

*  Saved lots of shower warm up water to water all our pot plants.  The washing machine water was saved for each next load.

*  Saved a couple of gift bags and tissue paper from presents.

*  Gave a friend a jar of jam and a rose soap from the present cupboard.  I also made the birthday card to suit the friend's favourite colors.  It feels great to give handmade and homemade things.  I know this friend will use the gifts.

*  Picked silverbeet for a couple of meals.

*  Lined my bathroom bin with lots of bread bags.

*  Sold two dozen eggs to a friend.

*  Bought our raspberry and mango plants ( in pots ) out from under the pergola to get a good watering from the rain.

*  Planted quite a few hellebore ( winter roses ) seedlings into little pots to nurture.  We received them from our stay at the cottage on the farm.  Come next Autumn we can plant them in the garden.

*  Went to Masters Hardware store for their 20 - 50% off sale.  There wasn't much on offer as prices are still dearer than elsewhere.  Darren picked up a few bits and pieces and I bought two punnets of lettuce seedlings and a few small tarps.  I like to use tarps in the car boot to protect the lining from dirt and grime.

*  Darren,  myself and our girls went to Tesselaars Tulip festival in Monbulk for my birthday treat.  We all took water bottles to help offset some of the food costs..

*  Picked another big bowlful of lemons from our tree.

*  Dried all the washing on clotheshorses ( except the sheets ). It's rained most days this week so I couldn't use the clothesline.

*  Turned the heater off for a couple of days.

*  Made four cards to sell using what I had on hand.

*  Darren saved us approximately $400 on our two car insurances due shortly.  We never accept the price the company says we have to pay.  Darren does an online quote and asks for a better deal.

*  I only spent $2 on groceries ( milk ) this week.

Here are some photos from our afternoon at Tesselaars Tulip Festival.  It was a very windy afternoon ( hence the wayward hairdos ).

I'm sorry I didn't reply to the comments from last week's frugal tasks.  I wasn't well on Saturday, we were out all day Sunday and I was at work on Monday.

What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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