Friday, October 21, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks 22nd October 2016

I really didn't think I'd have much of a frugal list to share with you this week.  Time gets away from me and being frugal  has become second nature.  I don't feel like I'm doing anything special but our grocery bill,  household bills and bank balance tell me otherwise.  Being grateful for the blessings that come our way also forms part of our frugal lifestyle.  Here's what I got up to this week -

* Refilled and diluted the girls conditioner bottle.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to water our pot plants.

*  Picked silverbeet from the garden for a few meals.  It just keeps growing.

*  Juiced and froze more lemon juice.

*  Gratefully received some jars from family.

*  Gratefully received some groceries from a friend.

*  Gratefully received  card making supplies at the Crafty Mums Co op card making day.

*  Cooked all our meals from scratch. This included chunky chicken and veg soup using a frozen chicken carcass from a catering job back in May ( that job just keeps on giving.  Only 8+ carcasses to go )

*  Froze two single serves of leftovers.

*  Kept the heater off for a couple of days.

*  Avoided using the dryer all week.  The clotheshorses have been given a good work out with all the rain.

*  Saved a few pretty envelopes from my birthday cards.

*  Gave a few presents this week using items I already had on the present shelf and cards I'd made..

*  Gratefully received lots of patterned paper pads from a friend for card making. 

*  Gratefully received a recycled gift bag full of recycled ribbons

*  Sold a  few items in my Etsy store.  This was very exciting because it's my first order.

*  Saved the washing machine water for each next load.

*  Planted the lettuce seedlings I bought from the Masters hardware sale a couple of weeks ago. 

*  Gratefully received a couple of tops from Megan when she was cleaning out her wardrobe.

* Started buying my Summer wardrobe at the op shop and Kmart.  Darren,  Megan and myself get $150 each twice a year to buy our clothes,  coats,  bathers and shoes.  Being on a tight budget means we look for the best deals and only buy what we need.  Jessica now buys her own clothes because she works full time.

*  Saved a couple of envelopes for card making.

*  Got back into the habit of turning off the girl's power points when they are at school and work.

*  Fed the chickens lots of grass and weeds.

*  Sold five dozen eggs to friends.

* Dug up another 4 raspberry plants ( seedlings ) from our garden to give as presents ( if they grow ).

*  Sold a jar of relish to a friend.

Honey soy drumsticks cooking.
Chunky chicken and veg soup.
My Etsy Shop
Selling in my Etsy shop
Hand towels in my Etsy shop

In the garden.
What frugal tasks did you complete this week ?

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