Friday, October 14, 2016

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 15th October 2016

The rain has finally stopped and I've been able to get outside into the garden.  I've pulled a few weeds,  fed the fruit trees and taken a tour of our garden each day.  Here' what else I got up to this week -

* Gratefully received some glass jars from a friend.

*  Redeemed a Flybys offer of $15 off your next shop at Coles.  So Darren and I went to Coles and picked out the ingredients to make white Christmas and rocky road for Christmas presents.  Darren likes to make this each year for his friends.  Some of the ingredients were 1/2 price.  I purchased two packets of microfibre cloths.  The total of our shop came to $15.24 so we only had to pay 24 cents.  Bargain.

*  Sold two dozen eggs to a friend.

*  Picked and juiced more lemons from our tree.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Made pizza from scratch on Tuesday night using up bits and pieces in the fridge.  Very yummy.

*  Darren and I dug up three small raspberry plants.  We've potted them and hope to give them as presents when they grow.  Raspberry plants retail for about $15 each in hardware stores.

*  Bought a couple of pairs of Winter pj bottoms on clearance for $7 in Target.

*  Emptied everyone's water bottles into the watering can outside.

*  Saved the shower warm up water to use on the pot plants.  Saved the washing machine rinse water for each next load.

*  Used the carpet sweeper instead of the vacuum cleaner.

*  Listed a few cards and hand towels in my Etsy shop.

*  Dried the washing on clothes horses and the line outside.

*  Combined multiple errands into one trip in the car.

*  Ripped up a few school notices for scrap paper.

*  Redeemed a supermarket rain check for kitchen detergent that was on sale a few weeks earlier.  It's a new fragrance that smells divine and can be hard to get.  I really don't need any more detergent after clearing a supermarket shelf a couple of years ago on tv,  but I don't know how long this fragrance will be available.  If anyone wants to try it, it's the Morning Fresh brand and the fragrance is Sweet  rhubarb..   

In the garden
Seedlings to plant
Raspberry seedlings we are growing from our garden
Pretty microfibre clothss
A card I'm selling in my Etsy shop
Kitchen detergent that smells divine

What was on your frugal list this week ?

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